Introduction into the Ayurveda Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

In the 5,000-year-old holistic science of Ayurveda, three doshas are responsible for governing our psychology, biology and consciousness: vata, pitta and kapha. We each embody all three doshas, but one is typically more dominant.

Learning your unique dosha combination can help you to create a holistic regime that supports your utmost well-being. We encourage you to use the products associated with your dosha to balance the qualities within it. However, you can benefit from all our products without knowing your specific dosha. Simply look for characteristics that ring true and use the dosha line that supports those specific qualities.

Each dosha is made up of two of the five great elements in nature know as the mahabutas: ether, air, fire, water and earth.

Here is quick summary of each dosha:

Vata dosha – This dosha reflects the elements of ether and air.  Vata personifies cold, dry, light, quick, irregular, and changeable characteristics. Ruled by the elements of ether and air, this dosha expresses joy, vitality, and clarity when in balance. When out of balance, vata is prone to anxiety, restlessness and nervousness.

We balance vata by applying warming oils and grounding herbs that encourage vata to find sturdier feet. Try our Vata Dosha Aromatherpay Oil or Vata Dosha Perfume Oil which use herbs and essentials the help balance Vata.


Pitta dosha – This dosha reflects the elements of fire and water. Pitta personifies hot, sharp, oily, assertive and strong characteristics. Ruled by the elements of fire and water, this dosha expresses drive, leadership, intelligence and astuteness when in balance. When out of balance, pitta is prone to skin rashes, irritation and overheating.

We balance pitta by using herbs and oils that are cooling and calming to help stabilize pitta’s internal fire. Try our Pitta Dosha Aromatherpay Oil or Pitta Dosha Perfume Oil which use herbs and essentials the help balance Pitta.


Kapha dosha – This dosha contains the elements of water and earth. Kapha personifies heavy, slow, cool, oily, soft and viscous characteristics. Ruled by the elements of water and earth, this dosha expresses calmness, smoothness and steadiness when in balance. When out of balance kapha is prone to sluggishness, immovability, and attachment.

We balance kapha by using herbs and oils that are warming, light and awakening to inspire forward momentum. Try our Kapha Dosha Aromatherapy Oil or Kapha Dosha Perfume oil which use herbs and essentials to help balance Kapha.

Again, each person has all three dosha’s in their makeup. However, one ore two combinations are typically more predominant. It is common to be classified as one of these combinations: Vatta-Pitta, Vata-Kapha, Pitta-Kapha.

There are many additional qualities which define each dosha. This is just a quick overview.